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Project #1
This is a low fire peice I threw on the wheel. I used limelight, graple and a clear glaze. I like the way the glaze came out, but if I was to change something, I would make the peice taller and make the lavendar more dainty. It was a fun peice to make though. An experiment. 

Project #2
This is the monster I made. I used cotton tail, tuxedo, and rose for my glaze. I finished it with a clear glaze on top. I liked how the piece turned out, but I think that if I was to do something different it would be to perfect the monster's body. I made this piece with low fire clay and I sculpted it with my hands. It is something I want to get better at. 

Project #3
This is a bowl that I threw on the wheel. I enjoyed the shape a lot. I used low fire clay and for my glaze combo I used grapel, rose, cotton tail, and a clear glaze on top. I liked the way the foot turned out on the bottom but if I was to change something I would slow down on the glaze and try to make the walls taller. 


Project #4
This is my favortie thing I have made this year. I wanted to make something usefull so the bowl was what came to mind. I used low fire clay to create the peice and I used cottage blue and a clear glaze on top. I like the overall shape of the bowl but if I was to do it again I would make sure it was perfect because after trimming it made the peice not as symetrical as I would like. 


Project #5
This was a simillar peice to project #3. It was like the trial peice for the rose glaze. I really liked the shape of the bowl. I used low fire clay and for the glaze I did rose, grapel, cotton tail, and clear glaze on top. I really liked the way the foot turned out but if I was to do it again I would make the overall peice bigger. 

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